Luna Lovegood inside. Noda Megumi outside.

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012


Dear you,

It's been perfectly 2 years since our first met. Remember when she introduced us? At that moment i had no idea that we could become this close. How time flies so we had already thru so many interesting things together,,, laugh & cry,, hectic & crazy day,,, singing & screaming :) I'll miss all that stuff.

Dear you,

That was improper farewell we had today. But i cant resist the tears if i stayed 3 seconds longer beside you (call me sentimental, but i mean it). It's not embarassing for me to cry on the one i love,,, but  i just dont want to let you go with tears while you leave for great adventure that we should celebrate with smile. That's why i'd rather to write this message than tell you by myself (call me coward, yeah :p )

Dear you,

You're gonna face so many obstacles ahead, but it will be insignificant compared to your willing. Be tough! Be insist! Be persistent! Have a faith! You're already a way too far to back-off or give up. Man jadda wa jadda.

Run faster! Spread you wings and fly!

Enjoy the study! Grab all knowledge!

Live your life to the fullest.

Study hard! Play harder! Pray hardest!

Allah will always being with those who fight in His way,,, and study is one way of jihad J

Taihen dakedo, itsudemo ganbatte ne!

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