Luna Lovegood inside. Noda Megumi outside.

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Amnesia can't take it

People come and go in our life,
but not in our mind

They come without asked,
and go with no permission,
But left a trace
which somehow can not be traced back

And some memories do exist
The bad and the good
And even the bad ones are hard to forget
But ironically, the good ones are even harder to be detached

And the feeling inside keep remain
No matter how hard we try to deny it
They keep their existence
and form inclusions
stronger in our heart
rather than in our brain

Even it’s not always blossom like spring,
it never fall as autumn.
Even we hope winter can freeze it to death,
summer always be there
saving it in warm-little-space of  heart
Through the time & space

So maybe that’s why
Amnesia can only  erase the story,
not the feeling
of being loved & hurt

When we meet again

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