Luna Lovegood inside. Noda Megumi outside.

Senin, 13 September 2010

... his name is Mohammad Brian ...

So today, my "Josh" told me that he's going to "take me out" audition tomorrow.
Then he asked us, what skill he can perform to get girl impressed.

" They usually sing, play guitar, dance, or maybe juggling", one of my fren answered.

Then suddenly "Josh" looked at me.
" Do u like a guy who perform juggling?"

*dalam hati: knp nanyanya ke gw si? emang keliatannya gw naksir bartender?*
" No, " I said, " I like smart guy, actually"

" Woo,, so ur boyfriend is a smart guy, huh?"

" I have no boyfriend ", with undefined - flat face.

" Cool,,, " he said.
*dalam hati: apa si cool-nya jadi jomblo?"

" So, now, u're looking for boyfriend?", my "Josh" asked.
" I'm looking for a husband "

" Wow, cool,,,"
*dalam hati: apa si cool-nya?*

" I have a student from my last class" my Josh said, " He's a good moslem like u. Maybe he's looking for a wife like u. I'll introduce u to him if u dont mind. His name is Mohammad Brian"

"Woww,, cool,,, " gantian gw yg ngomong gini.
*dalam hati: kan dia yg mo ikut "take me out" u/ cari pacar,,, knp malah ngejodohin gw????*

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