Luna Lovegood inside. Noda Megumi outside.

Senin, 13 September 2010

Love Lesson

There are some type of learner,

Some people could understand if they can see that things,,, visual learner.

Some people by listening its sounds,, audio learner.

Some will expert after they touch,,, kinestetics learner.

But love,,,

couldnt be seen,
couldnt be hear,
couldnt be touched,
maybe that's why i never understand it.

Love only can be felt.

Thats why maybe, frens, we need to feel it to understand.

As the quote said: "Experience is the best teacher"

Just feel,
fool by it,
then stand up again,
and u'll know that u're stronger after those all experiments.

Dont be afraid to try.

Coz i f u never try,, u'll never know,,,
that the rainbow will come after the rain,
and there is always spring after frezzing winter.

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